Livingstone Academy Bournemouth promotes and is committed to acceptance, equity, equality and a true sense of togetherness. We believe in the importance of education for all and recognise the inherent worth and value of each person regardless of their ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, religion, political views, immigration status, ability, socioeconomic status, or other characteristics.

Life events often give us cause to reflect on our society and our individual roles and responsibilities within it. We believe that education should give students the tools to engage, discuss and debate with people from all backgrounds and beliefs. As educators, we are clear that we need to do more to truly achieve this aim.

We recognise the benefits of diversity and understand that it must be joined with equity, inclusion, and a sense of belonging for all members of our community. Including a diverse set of backgrounds and perspectives at LAB is essential to our ability to engage in meaningful teaching and learning.

We are committed to learning and supporting each other in our growth around the issues of diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging. We all share a responsibility to respect the rights, differences, and dignity of others, and to sustain an environment that is conducive to fostering the highest levels of learning for all. This requires us to carefully examine our own practices and strive to create the kind of community we wish to see in other settings.

We are committed to culturally responsive teaching; a practice that recognises the importance of including students’ cultural references in all aspects of learning. We will actively promote diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging through our teaching strategies and curriculum. The curriculum will be integrated, interdisciplinary, meaningful, and student-centred. It will include issues and topics related to the students’ backgrounds and cultures. It will challenge the students to develop higher-order knowledge and skills. For example, we will:

  • Use resources other than textbooks for study:
    • Have students research aspects of a topic within their community.
    • Encourage students to interview members of their community who have knowledge of the topic they are studying.
    • Provide information to the students on alternative viewpoints or beliefs on a topic.
  • Develop learning activities that are more reflective of students’ backgrounds:
    • Include cooperative learning strategies.
    • Allow students the choice of working alone or in groups on certain projects.
  • Develop integrated units around universal themes.

See our Equality Information and Objectives here. 

At Livingstone Academy Bournemouth we work with our community in order to enhance and diversify our curriculum. We demonstrate educational leadership by influencing inclusive teaching practices on a wider scale. We support all members of our Academy to develop, maintain and celebrate all forms of identity. We do not want any members of the community to feel excluded from our Academy and we will continue to address all forms of discrimination in a proactive manner.

We acknowledge there is much work to be done on a local, national and global level, and we remain committed to playing an active role in the years to come.

Useful Websites

If you would like to learn more about human rights visit the website for Amnesty International.

If you would like to learn more about equality in the UK – visit the website for the Equality and Human Rights Commission. 

If you would like to learn more about equity and justice – visit the website for the Joseph Rowntree Foundation.

If you would like to learn more about racial equality – visit the website for The Runnymede Trust.

If you would like to learn more about LBGT rights – visit the website for Stonewall.

If you would like to learn more about gender equality – visit the website for the United Nations.

The Equality Act 2020 and Schools

Where next

Exam and Assessment Results

Livingstone Academy has not yet had any students reach school age for Key Stage 2 (end of primary school) results, Key Stage 4 (end of…

Exam and Assessment Results

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